Lehre Staatspreis
Eine Erfolgsgeschichte ist um ein Kapitel reicher: Das Vorarlberger Familienunternehmen wurde am 28. September 2022 von Bundesminister Martin Kocher in Wien als „Bester Lehrbetrieb“ ausgezeichnet.
For more than 200 years, the traditional company based in Bludenz has been producing textiles that inspire and move customers all over the world. In order to be able to shine on the market as a sought-after partner for high-quality textile solutions, Getzner relies on highly trained specialists who, in the best case, are recruited directly from the company's own "junior staff". Even back then - at the beginning of the 19th century - the topic of "apprenticeship" was declared a matter for the boss when the very first apprentice workshop in Vorarlberg was founded at Getzner Textil.
"The company management and those responsible for apprenticeships are in active exchange in order to be able to constantly and sustainably improve the range of apprenticeships on offer in the company. We offer our more than 50 apprentices a comprehensive range of training at the cutting edge - modern, based on the latest technologies. And of course, fun is not neglected in the process."
Roland Comploj, CEO
Apprentices are actively involved
Needless to say, the traditional company from Bludenz is immensely pleased to have won in the category "Apprenticeship Marketing & Recruitment". "Anyone who knows us knows that we consciously put our energy and resources into the training as well as further development of young people," explains Perrine Getzner, Head of the Apprenticeship Department, and continues: "In this context, it is simply logical for us to actively involve our apprentices in creative and improvement processes, because we can learn a lot from them." For example, the apprentices were also an important part of the development of the "Getzner Videobot", with which Getzner brought the top-class state prize to Bludenz.
Information packaged in a modern way
In the course of redesigning the apprentice campaign, apprentices from the various departments were also consulted and invited to a workshop with the departments involved. Above all, the apprentices wanted more information about training and the company.
"With the video bot, we offer interested apprentices direct, uncomplicated access to the colorful and high-tech world of Getzner. Chiara and Mathias slip into the role of digital 'tour guides', lead through our entire operation and answer in their own words (almost) all questions that young people have when choosing an apprenticeship."
Nicole Bösch, Head of Marketing and Communications
Recognizing and promoting potential
As a former apprentice at the company, Perrine Getzner knows exactly how important it is to address the needs and desires of prospective professionals on a daily basis. "Our apprentices have enormous potential that is just waiting to be nurtured. We want to give them the best possible support in recognizing this - including their strengths and weaknesses - themselves, so that they can grow both professionally and as people." This is precisely the feeling that Getzner also wants to convey to interested parties outside the company. Thus, in recent years, intensive work has been done to provide outsiders with barrier-free digital access to exciting company content and exclusive on-site impressions in the area of apprenticeships.
Breaking with dusty patterns and breaking down barriers
In the spirit of the "MINT" idea, the main aim is to attract girls to the more technical apprenticeship professions. "We want to eliminate old patterns, prejudices and unnecessary barriers. With the video bot and the 360 tour, we offer all interested parties, regardless of gender, direct, uncomplicated access to the colorful and highly technological world of Getzner. Our apprentices, Chiara and Mathias, slip into the role of digital 'tour guides', lead through our entire operation and answer without further ado (almost) all the questions that users have on their minds," says Nicole Bösch, Head of Marketing and Communications.
Choose your dream job and register for a taster session!
Six different apprenticeships are waiting for anyone interested in learning and working in a top international company. "Starting in fall 2023, we will be offering another interesting apprenticeship opportunity in the form of an apprenticeship as a retail salesperson. Find out more now, sign up for a taster session or visit our apprenticeship info day on Friday, November 4!"
Want to learn more about Getzner Textil and the wide range of apprenticeships? Check out the video bot and the 360 tour!
Image sources: Mathias Silveri; Multimediafabrik GmbH; Marcel Hagen, Studio 22; Markus Gmeiner