Die Weberei der Getzner Textil am Hauptstandort in Bludenz.

Resource-saving production

We develop sustainable production processes

Energy efficiency is a top priority at Getzner Textil and is actively incorporated into production processes. On the one hand, this can be achieved by using the latest technologies, and on the other, through the ongoing modernisation and upgrading of already existing plant and equipment. The company has received several awards from the climate protection initiative "klimaaktiv" for its outstanding commitment.

Conserving our environment

  • Savings of around 1 GWh of electricity thanks to the optimisation of our compressed air system
  • 70 % less caustic soda consumption thanks to the installation of a new recovery system
  • 11.3 GWh are fed into the district heating network
  • 25–30 % of energy requirements met with the aid of heat recovery
  • Specific water consumption halved from approx. 150 l/kg to approx. 60–70 l/kg of goods
  • 25 % less waste thanks to process optimisation

Effects and savings per year (2021 figures)

Energy from our own hydropower

Getzner Holding is one of the pioneers of electricity generation and supply in Austria. Today, the company's own electricity plant comprises four active hydroelectric power stations in Bludenz and Bürs. The energy generated is fed into the VKW grid. The hydroelectric power plants in the Getzner Group can cover over 90 percent of Getzner Textil AG's total electricity requirements - an important contribution to the environment as well as Vorarlberg's energy autonomy. To close the loop, Getzner Textil uses 100 percent Austrian green electricity from VKW. The specific electricity consumption is 4.5 kWh per kg of fabric produced. Within the last five years, the specific heat consumption has been reduced from approx. 16 kWh/kg to 10.5 kWh/kg of fabric.

Saving electricity in the compressed air system

Compressed air is largely used for air-jet weaving machines. Through targeted measures, the electricity consumption of the compressed air system was reduced by a fifth. As a result, about 1.2 GWh of energy can be saved annually: Where previously the two compressed air stations, the heating house and the weaving mill, fed jointly into the compressed air network, the separation of the stations allowed the pressure level for the weaving mill to be lowered to the necessary level. Thus, the energy demand for the compressed air compressors could be greatly reduced and the energy consumption of the weaving mill optimised. The new compressors are equipped with heat recovery and convert the supplied drive energy into thermal energy. Up to 72 % of this energy can be recovered for heating purposes and fed into the district heating network. The project was awarded the klimaaktiv prize by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection.

Caustic soda recovery

In the finishing process, the fabric is treated with caustic soda. Getzner Textil AG has had a caustic soda recovery plant since the early 1970s. It was completely renewed in 2004. With the help of this plant, the need for fresh caustic soda can be reduced by around 70 percent and the use of energy optimised.

Getzner Textil ist sich der Verantwortung für den Erhalt einer lebenswerten Umwelt bewusst und hilft, eine sichere und gesunde Umwelt zu erhalten.

Water consumption

All process and drinking water is supplied by two company-owned well systems. The company's water consumption is controlled just as much as the recycling of waste water. In the last ten years, specific waste water has been reduced from about 100l/kg tissue production to 70l/kg through process changes and technical measures. About 30 % of the water used is reused in the water cycle.


We are constantly striving to reduce the amount of waste we produce. Packaging waste has been significantly reduced in close partnership with our suppliers and, over a period of three years, we have reduced fabric waste per kg of manufactured cloth by 36 %.

We actively contribute to environmental protection