Getzner Textil – working together for more acceptance and accessibility
Inklusion ist für den bodenständigen Familienbetrieb mit Sitz im Vorarlberger Oberland nicht nur ein inhaltsloses Modewort. Seit Jahren setzen die Unternehmensleitung und der Betriebsrat der Getzner Textil AG konsequent auf Akzeptanz und ein gelebtes Miteinander, bei dem keine Person ausgeschlossen wird.
Getzner Textil has always endeavored to meet the challenges of the present in order to be able to continuously develop the company at all levels. The most important resource is and will always be people - with all their diverse needs, personal backgrounds and individual potential. As a modern company with its finger on the pulse of the times, the textile specialist is therefore particularly concerned about the topic of inclusion. Getzner is particularly concerned with providing the best possible support for people with disabilities in their quest for private and professional fulfillment and self-determination.
"It gives me a lot of pleasure to be able to work with children!"
This applies to the group of companies as well as to the in-house toddler care "Getzners Buntstiftle" with currently twelve all-day places, which was opened in 2017 in cooperation with Caritas Bludenz and the city of Bludenz. There, Svenja Gehrmann, a friendly and lively lady with disabilities who is employed at the Caritas workshop, supports the childcare once a week. "The project is going very well and those involved - above all, of course, the little ones - eagerly look forward to the mornings when Svenja comes by and supports the team," informs Perrine Getzner, Chairwoman of the Employees' Council at Getzner Textil. The joy can undoubtedly be read from the eyes of the "Buntstiftle" when Svenja Gehrmann lovingly prepares breakfast and then eats it together with the children. Of course, she also cleans up and tidies up herself, because she thinks the opportunity to be acitvely involved is „really great“. When asked what she likes best about her job, the answer comes almost out of the blue: "I just really enjoy being able to work with children!"
Image sources: Frederick Sams