Schwer entflammbares Gewebe findet seine Anwendung bei Schutzbekleidung und wird auch im Innenraum vielfach brandschutzrechtlich vorausgesetzt.

Flame resistant


One the one hand, flame retardant fabrics are used to manufacture protective clothing. On the other, they are used to comply with the fire safety regulations for events or buildings, for example. 

Flame-retardant fabrics are extremely important when equipping firefighters. They must be protected against sudden heat development or when they work in close proximity to burning fires, for example. They must also be protected against flying sparks or the effects of toxic substances.

Flame retardant fabrics are also used in the industry or in the event area. Our fabrics meet numerous standards and fire safety classes. 



acunic®, a Getzner Textil AG brand, stands for extremely effective sound absorption with the aid of acoustic fabrics. These fabrics are a functional solution that also meets the most discerning standards – of architects, interior designers or also acoustics consultants. The effectiveness of acunic is due to its special weaving techniques with 3D structure.


GUARDIANTEX®   is a high-tech special fabric for personal protective equipment. Thanks to numerous functional properties, material combinations, coatings and colours, GUARDIANTEX meets the high demands of a wide variety of professions. One important area of application, for example, is protective equipment for military and police forces. However, it is also used in many other areas where people need personal protection as they perform their jobs – from workwear for forest workers to protective clothing for motorcyclists.